I am a mother, wife, daughter, and professional genealogist. I am also a sister, friend, teacher, student, advisor, writer, and professional librarian. I put together this page for a course in the summer of 2002 I took by Internet from Tulsa Community College.
I have another page devoted just to my personal interest in genealogy. It is one I prepared for the class in HTML. Interested in genealogy? Click here
I have been a Macintosh user since 1989.
Boston Avenue United Methodist Church 1301 S. Boston, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103. My family and I have been members of Boston Avenue since 1982, and my husband and I are members of the Maranatha Sunday School class. I teach genealogy at Boston Avenue's School of Continuing Education.
American Solutions - Working for Real Change in America.
Clark Howard's site Clark Howard has some great advice regarding ways to get the most for your money.
Windycrest Sailing Club On Lake Keystone.